builtins.c File Reference

builtin jam rules More...

#include "jam.h"
#include "lists.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "builtins.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "filesys.h"
#include "newstr.h"
#include "regexp.h"
#include "pathsys.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "md5.h"

Data Structures

struct  globbing


#define P0   (PARSE *)0
#define C0   (char *)0


int glob (const char *s, const char *c)
LISTbuiltin_md5 (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_buildno (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_depends (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_echo (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_exit (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_flags (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_glob (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
LISTbuiltin_match (PARSE *parse, LOL *args, int *jmp)
void load_builtins ()
static void builtin_glob_back (void *closure, const char *file, int status, time_t time)

Detailed Description

builtin jam rules

See where is defined LIST = External routines:
load_builtin() - define builtin rules

= Internal routines:

builtin_depends()- DEPENDS/INCLUDES/NEEDS rule builtin_echo() - ECHO rule builtin_exit() - EXIT rule builtin_flags() - NOCARE, NOTFILE, TEMPORARY rule builtin_glob() - GLOB rule builtin_match() - MATCH rule builtin_buildno()-

Define Documentation

#define C0   (char *)0

#define P0   (PARSE *)0

Function Documentation

LIST * builtin_buildno ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

Rule for BuildNumber.

Reads the file specified, and if it contains an integer, will increment it, otherwise will use a default BuildNumber of 1.

LIST * builtin_depends ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 


The DEPENDS builtin rule appends each of the listed sources on the dependency list of each of the listed targets. It binds both the targets and sources as TARGETs.

LIST * builtin_echo ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

Rule for ECHO

The ECHO builtin rule echoes the targets to the user. No other actions are taken.

LIST * builtin_exit ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

Rule for EXIT

The EXIT builtin rule echoes the targets to the user and exits the program with a failure status.

LIST * builtin_flags ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 


Builtin_flags() marks the target with the appropriate flag, for use by make0(). It binds each target as a TARGET.

LIST * builtin_glob ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

static void builtin_glob_back ( void *  closure,
const char *  file,
int  status,
time_t  time 
) [static]

LIST * builtin_match ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

Rule for MATCH rule

Regexp matching.

LIST * builtin_md5 ( PARSE parse,
LOL args,
int *  jmp 

Return the MD5 sum of the supplied lists.

int glob ( const char *  s,
const char *  c 

void load_builtins (  ) 

Generated on Thu Aug 17 15:54:32 2006 for MaJam by  doxygen 1.4.7